“The Project Graduation idea came out of tragedy in Oxford Hill, Maine. Seven teenagers died in alcohol and drug related care crashes around graduation season in 1979. School officials and parents responded with an education effort to inform students about the risks of drinking and driving. The Oxford Hill graduating class of 1980 held a drug and alcohol free party that was so successful that the state of Maine jumped on board to spread the idea. In 1983, 86 Project Graduation events were held statewide and no fatalities were reported during graduation season, according to the Office of Substance Abuse, a state agency in Maine.”
Gandera, Ricardo. “Project Graduation parties help keep kids safe.” 23 May 2009

Project Graduation in Colchester…
Colchester joined the movement in the early nineties, when Bacon Academy parents and community members joined together to organize fun and safe activities for all graduating seniors. The mission of Bacon Academy Project Graduation is to enhance drug and alcohol-free awareness by providing safe and healthy graduation events for all graduating seniors of Bacon Academy, Colchester, CT.
In 2011, Bacon Academy Project Graduation incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
- President: Gail Dalton
- Vice President: Tricia Dean
- Secretary: Shannon Cuadro
- Treasurer: Mike Gatesman
- Communication Coordinator: Sara Mertz
- UCONN Coordinator: Giovanna Zuliani & Rebecca Emmons
What is Grad Night?
After graduation, the senior class is taken by bus to a surprise location for an all-night party filled with games, entertainment, music, refreshments – all in a safe and secure environment. At the end of the night (the next morning actually) they are transported back to Bacon Academy with memories that will last a lifetime. Our mission is to provide FUN and SAFE activities for ALL graduating seniors.
If additional funds are raised, what will that money be used for?
- 250 Additional chairs for the Graduation ceremony
- Senior Social
- Commemorative Gifts
How are the events funded?
- Concessions at UCONN soccer, football and basketball games (our biggest revenue source)
- Parking at festivals
- Sleigh Bells Fair
- Business and parent donations
- Company match programs
- Golf Tournament
- Graduation lawn signs
- 10% promotion nights at local restaurants
- Cornhole Tournament
- Chocolate bar sales
How can I get involved?
You can get involved by attending a parent meeting or volunteering at a fundraising event. Check out our Current FUNdraisers page or Facebook page for upcoming events. If you aren’t on our email distribution list, email us from the Contact page, and you will receive reminders of meetings and upcoming events.
Do you accept donations?
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and welcome monetary donations, donations through company match programs and business donations of services or goods. Please visit our Donations page or email us for more information.